Cloned Airbnb Listing

Level 2
Bruges, Belgium

Cloned Airbnb Listing


I have found out that my Airbnb listing has been cloned.  This was by accident when a friend wanted to rent my apartment and I said the dates were available and when she looked it said a week was already booked.  

I went onto Airbnb site and put in her dates and sure enough a message came up with, I see you are having trouble booking and these two cloned sites were listed.

I thought it was strange as I had had two other requests for dates which I had pre-approved and then the guest sent a message saying the dates were already booked.  Luckily I have found this early enough to be able to stop anybody paying for their holiday, turning up and finding out they have been scammed.

I have subsequently sent everyone who contacted me a message and I didn't get the booking to check that they haven't been offered a silly price and they have paid directly to someone.  Thankfully that has not happened.

I immediately changed all my passwords and profile photo.

But I am very worried.  I contacted Airbnb and their autobot said they would look into it.

Luckily I look after my property myself and am here to meet guests.

But I want to know how to get the cloned sites off Google.

Anybody had a similar experience and can advise??

Thank you

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


it is not clear to me what you mean by "cloned". Is there a copy of your listing elsewhere on Airbnb ?

Or is the listing on another website (outside Airbnb) ?