Co-hosting in Hawaii - Payment of TAT and GE

Level 2
Honolulu, HI

Co-hosting in Hawaii - Payment of TAT and GE

Aloha, Fellow Hawaii Co-hosts.


I'm just wondering about how you are reporting and paying TAT and GE on your co-hosting earnings.  In my case, I receive a percentage of the reservation and the cleaning fee.


Who is responsible for the TAT?  The owner of the unit or both of us?  The way Airbnb reports the earnings to each of us (Host and Co-Hosts) seems to indicate that the Host pays the TAT and GE net of the co-hosting payout.  


For example:


Total Reservation = $900 


Co-hosting payout = $200


For the Host, the transaction history shows $900 payment less $200 and the gross earnings statement at the end of the year show the co-hosting payout deducted from the gross earnings.  So, I'm assuming that as a co-host I am responsible for paying the TAT on the co-hosting payout.  Technically, we are managing the listing and providing a service so we should only be paying the GE.


Is my thinking faulty?  Any experience or advice anyone can provide in this regard would be greatly appreciated.





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