Competitor posing as customer

Level 1
Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam

Competitor posing as customer

I wonder if any other hosts have experienced with a competitor in the same neighborhood trying to undermine your rating by posing as a customer. Recently, someone booked our place for 1 night, we communicated with him well, all he ever responded was with smiling face. Then he left us the worst review, 1 star on almost everything. We figured out from his account he has an airbnb apt in the same building with us. He even copied some of our listing description to use on his own listing, which it is fine I don't really care. But he gave us 1 star rating on even the location. We contacted Airbnb and the rep I talked to basically said he did not violate any of their policies so there is nothing I can do about it. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Lørslev, Denmark

I'm sorry to hear that. AirBNB has so many policies in place, you would think they had a competitior policy in place as well. Maybe something we can request...  

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Book his place for 1 night and then leave them the worst review ever, rating 1 star on everything.



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