Coupon code don't received

Level 1
Rocca Priora, Italy

Coupon code don't received

Hi everyone,


yesterday I've booked a room with 3 other friends as guests, but the hosts can't rent us the apartment and cancel it. The system delver me an automatic mail, where it give me a total refund, plus a coupon code about 80 €. The problem is I haven't yet the code for the coupon, and the mail says that coupon was added on my AirBnb profile. Anyone else had the same problem? Or I have the coupon on my desk and I can't see it?


Thanks for the support and enjoy your future travel


1 Reply 1
Level 1
Herut, Israel

i got the same problem..

got a coupon on email but can't use it and can't find the way to contact airbnb for getting my coupon..

I really dissapointe from airbnb serviece cause the system send me those emails to give a review for getting this coupon

I gave this review only for the coupon and now i don't even have it...

joinning to your complain