I have a listing currently up, but not active. I want to activate it again, but it is half the apartment now, and it has had a major facelift. The photos taken four years ago by the ABnB photographer are out of date. Should I continue using the current listing or should I create a brand new one? Also, will Air BnB send another photographer, free of charge? Thanks!
@James260 If the current photos don't properly respresent the property then you should have new photos. You do not need another listing you can simply change the photos.
I can not answer your question about the photographer. You could take your own and upload them while you are waiting to find out the answer about the ABNB photographer.
Hi @James260 I know that you are allowed 1 free photography session per listing. It would make sense to create a brand new listing & qualify for the photography BUT - I'm not sure if Airbnb will see it as qualifying for free photography if the address is the same as a previous listing you had? Hope that helps! - Karen