Dec.1st, 2019 calendar update

Dec.1st, 2019 calendar update

I got an email (in French, I'm in Paris) stating that the information in the shared calendars will change on Dec.1st, 2019 in order to be more respectful of GDPR.

I wonder if anyone is able to provide me with detailed information about what exactly is changing. Ideally I would like to get my hands on a sample of the "new" calendar.


1 Reply 1

One thing that has changed (and I do not like) is that we are no longer able to visibly see the names of our guests in the Gmail calendar.  There is only a link to the reservation.  This adds an extra unappreciated step to our process when we want to quickly see our guest names in the gmail calendar.  I wish that Airbnb would go back to the old system so we can see the names of our guests.