Did not receive any payout from airbnb

Level 2

Did not receive any payout from airbnb

I have a reservation from Aug 18-22, 2016 - reservation code ZH2XJW


But I have not received any payment from airbnb.


Airbnb team, please help 


Kind regards





2 Replies 2
Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I've been having the same problem, my reservation started on 18th and finished on 21th, the code is: RZZZA9.
What's going on? Airbnb, please, report us as soon as possible, I need this money to pay my bills.

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

I am also having the same issue, 2 payouts that just have not come through - Aug 12 - 16, 2016 MJYWQY and Aug 20 - 27, 2016 2J3PX9. What is going on and why can't we contact airbnb at all now, the website and service is becoming completely un-user friendly. If you don't get a response I suggest that you complain on Twitter - unfortunately naming and shaming seems to be the only way to get a follow up from Airbnb.