Diferent prices for diferente number of guests

Level 1
Lagos, Portugal

Diferent prices for diferente number of guests

Hello Everyone,


This is the first time I'm using this Forum and I hope you can help me finding an answer to my question.


I'd to have two different prices. Between 1 or 7 people on price and between 8 or 12 people another price.


I know it's possible to add an extra value per night, but it is per person. And this is not what I meant to do.

I want to have the same pricer rather if there's 1 or 7 people looking and the same price rather if there's 8 or 12 people coming.


Can anyone help me with this?


All the best


Top Answer
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@MariaIsabel50 I think your only option is to create two separate listings, and link their calendars.



View Top Answer in original post

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@MariaIsabel50 I think your only option is to create two separate listings, and link their calendars.

