Do hosts have to leave travellers a review?

Do hosts have to leave travellers a review?

I am a frequent travellers on Air BnB and leave my hosts good reviews with honest tips. Sometimes I've noticed my hosts do not leave me reviews in return.


Why is this?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally @Holley3 I review the vast majority of my guests and I think it is rude for hosts not to review their guests.


Some hosts run multiple properties or are managed by airbnb management companies and they may not be as motivated to leave reviews.

@Holley3 I always review my guests, whether good or bad and when I'm staying in an Airbnb as a guest I leave a review for the host. As @Helen3 mentioned, some Airbnb's are run by property managers so they don't always leave reviews.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Like Helen & Rachel I'm an individual Host who Reviews virtually all Guests. 


However, I do quite a lot of research of neighbouring Hosts and others in London, all individual Hosts with more or less constant traffic of bookings. Among these I note quite a few hardly Review any Guests even though Guests leave them good reviews. More specifically, where they used to Review most Guests in previous years, the number has drastically diminished over the years.


I  am left with the impression that they are Review weary, and are only interested in the bookings.

-- These type of Hosts have also never participated in Host Forums of any kind. Indeed, it's only a fraction of Hosts world-wide  who contribute to the Community Centre, so it's difficult to draw many conclusions. 




Level 3
Wilmington, NC

I have always reviewed my guests, IF it was a pleasant experience. If it wasn't, I let the 2 weeks lapse and their review becomes public anyway for me to read. Perhaps I should be more honest and review all guests regardless. I am listed on instant booking so never preview my guests. I have become review weary as well because the majority are "great guests" though I had minimal interactions with them if I even saw them.