
Level 2
New York, NY


I write on my listings NO DRINKING... 


I would think its clear enough not to drink in my house...


but not only have I had to toss out a empty can here and there but ALSO an empty  six pack here and there too.


How do I deal with such a situation when  ( I state in my listing and when they come in),  that drinking is not allowed..



The last guest was a drinker,  I had to toss out the cans and then observe that he proceded to hang his wet clothing on my cloth chairs too..


1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Lucia135  The guest is required to acknowledge as part of the Air BNB process that the house rules have been read and agreed to.  You are very clear in two places that there is no drinking.  If a guest does not follow the rules, you send a message via Air BNB restating the rules and advising the consequence will be cancellation of the rest of the booking.  If the guest persists, then you contact Air BNB.  If the guest drinks elsewhere and cause permanent damage that you can document, then you notify the guest and later enter a claim through the Resolution Center.  I would imagine these steps are not unfamiliar to you, so I wonder if you are looking for some other input from the host community.  If not, then good luck.