Hi. My wife and i had booked a place where the host all of a sudden raised the price. We got help from the community and was told to ask the host to cancel the booking so we could get our money back or travel credit for another booking.
We got the link and it said that we could choose the full amount plus extra booking credit for the trouble. I saw a substantial amount here, over 50% of the initial booking price, which we were happy with since it was really short notice before we had to book again.
However then when we went to book the other place, it was down to only around 10% of the initial booking, plus that all discounts (weekly discount + the coupon we had) didnt apply anymore.
My question is then, how much is it usually that Airbnb supports with after such an incident? We are of course just happy to get a little bit extra and be able to book another one. But now I'm thinking that either an error occured or I saw the wrong extra booking credit.
Anders & Sofia