
Level 2
State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Hello,I want to know if one announce is true, because I have doubt about this: https://abnb.me/m7kUOfqQl2

6 Replies 6

It has none of the typical signs of being a fake listing, except that the host has no reviews or verifications. To book with more confidence, choose a place with multiple reviews. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why do you feel it is fake @Eduardo1110 ?

Level 2
State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Because I ask dates for January and him said is available, now I ask for dates to next two weeks and she said not available but on app appears available when I ask why available on app she said system don’t update dates .... this is fake for sure! Another point is, profile user is recently created and no reviews in property! I’m away from this! Just post this for alert everyone!

@Eduardo1110  How does the fact that the user profile is new and the place has no reviews yet mean it is fake? That's ridiculous- every host and every guest starts out with a new profile and no reviews. 

And it is also true that hosts do experience problems with dates appearing as available when they have been blocked by the host, or appearing as blocked when they are actually available. It's an Airbnb tech issue and many hosts have posted here very upset that this has been happening to them.

Did you bother to check the calendar on the desktop version rather than the app to see if what the host said was true? 

And you posted here asking for advice on whether others thought there was something to be wary of with this listing, but you appear not to want to listen to the answers, just want to insist that you are correct.

Level 2
State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Look, I don’t insisting in anything, I check both system app and web and dates are still available, so thanks for your message but I made my decision, my point is in what I talk with that person and about that price! If someone wants to book that property go ahead, but I’m afraid about that! 

obvious: magnifique place for cheap price cmon!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Eduardo1110  Of course, if you don't have a good feeling about a place, you shouldn't book it. 

But one thing you may not be aware of is that new listings often have a substantial discount applied for the first few bookings. This is so hosts can attract guests to a new listing, and get a few reviews for guests to go on, before they raise their price to something that is in line with the other listings in their area. It's just like a store offering big sale prices when they first open, to get customers to come in.

And also, some new hosts don't even realize that there have been substantial discounts applied to their listings, as it is done by default by Airbnb when a listing is new. A host actually has to turn those discounts off if they don't want them applied, which many new hosts aren't aware of.

There have been many posts here on the forum from new hosts who are very upset because they got a booking at a price that was so low that the host wouldn't even be making any money, but they have to honor that booking, because it's not the guest's fault that the pricing was wrong.

Of course, if a price seems way too low for what is offered, that is a cause to be wary, but it's also possible that one of the situations I described here are why it seems way too cheap.