Flexible Cancellation - Refund

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Flexible Cancellation - Refund

Do all taxes, including occupancy fee and service fee, get refunded in case of a "felxible-100% refundable" listing?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



Taxes, including occupancy fee are refunded because they are based on the money paid by the guest. So taxes are refunden according to the refunded rental fee. The service fee seems to be refunded too as I've gathered in the forum posts as long as cancellation is made on time (and not after arrival), but only possible a couple or so times a year for the guest. 

Level 1

I am a host and just had a booking cancelled 2 days prior to arrival.

I have ticked Flexible cancellation which says iday prior to arrival full refund

so what does this mean do I still get some payment?