As hosts, we cannot expect guests to read anything. They just don't. In one house we even leave the home manual in a notebook propped up on the table so it's nearly the first thing they see and there is absolutely no way to miss it. We still get "What's the Wifi password?"
If you don't want guests to enter rooms, then keep the door locked and put a sign on the door, "Private." We have a closet where we keep cleaning supplies. It has a padlock on it. About a month ago guests picked the padlock and took items.
If guests are having difficulty finding the key then change your process; we can't change the guests. Leave the key in a lockbox screwed to the front door.
If you are consistently having a bad review about something then you, the host, has to change. Guests will never change. Unfortunately this may not be what you were looking for, but as an experineced host with over 2,500 guests under our belt, it's the truth.
Read through all of the reviews without being critical of the guest and try to determine where things are going wrong. It may be that your listing needs re-written, the house manual needs to be shortened (it's too long for guests to read), or something else. Ask a third party to help you by looking over your home manual and listing. They will see things you miss.
Trying to figure out what's wrong can be frustrating given the one or two sentence feedback we are given, but once you get the machine oiled you will be fine.