Getting Help for Eviction

Level 2
Flagstaff, AZ

Getting Help for Eviction

Is there anyway to get Host support help from Airbnb that isn't from the call center?  They all have a script with overly simplisitic solutions.  Our guests have smoked on the property and need to leave.  Airbnb wants me to give them a refund after significant damage has been caused to the house.  (This after they wanted me to reconsider my decision to have them check out).


How do we talk with someone with any authority to make decisions about an actual eviction process?  The call center is claiming that they can cancel the reservation but that means I owe them a refund and the cancellation counts against me.  That seem wrong.



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Houston, TX

The financial aspect has to be worked out through AirBnB, but you should be able to cancel for broken house rules without penalty.  The actual process of getting the guests physically out falls to you.  You have to tell them to leave, and if they don't, you have to call the police and have them removed for trespassing.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Rebecca823   You need to make airbnb do the cancellation, so there is no penalty to you.  You need to be clear and get it on record with evidence if you can how the guests have broken your house rules and that you are no longer comfortable or feel safe hosting them. Airbnb almost always except in cases of long term guests reimburses for days that have not been used.

Level 1
Pretoria, South Africa

I have just evicted 3 younf female guests at 3.00am from my premises due to smoking in my apartment, playing loud music and excessive drinking and inviting 3 young men into their room and my rules clearly state no smoking, no partying and no extra guests and no noise after 11.00pm.  They booked for 2 nights and this is their second night having returned back from partying albeit off the premises the first night they returned at 4.00am shouting and screaming before going to bed.  How do I inform AIRBNB