Goverment ID verification

Level 1
Copenhagen, Denmark

Goverment ID verification


Why can't I ask for Government ID, without turning on instant booking?

I would like to turn on Government ID, but I am NOT interested in instant booking. I tried it ones, and it is not for me.


Another thing. Can you get someone to call me about the automatical tax report in Denmark. I have a few questions about how it works, and how to change it to my wives taxation. Thanks!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Mikkel-and0 if you want to contact Airbnb you need to call them and this is how because this is a public forum for hosts and guest and not Airbnb employees. But there are many experienced hosts here that might help you with your questions if you let them know what is it that you are interested about. And you can definitely ask for government ID without IB on. Just let the guests know that if they want to stay at your place they need to fill out their info and if not they can cancel the request. 

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


"Why can't I ask for Government ID, without turning on instant booking?" As @Ana1136 says, you can, of course, ASK for it.*


My question to Airbnb is: why did you recently remove the ability for non-IB hosts to automatically impose this guest requirement, when it was already in place?!  Appalling!


*I've now had to add a note to my listing, saying that I need Govt ID prior to acceptance of bookings. In addition, I now have to remember to check that guests DO have Govt ID and, if they haven't, to get into a conversation about it ... bit of a palaver, compared to the previous procedure... grrr... 😞