Guest brought other guests

Guest brought other guests

Guest said specifically he was coming by himself and he brought 2 others, Airbnb says "I'm on my own," what does that mean? Do I have to call the police to have them removed?

10 Replies 10
Level 2
San Francisco, CA

If your post states, no additional guests. They have to respect that. Airbnb should too. Try finding a solution with guests. Do you charge extra for additional guests? Or you just dont want to host extra ppl? You can escalate to an airbnb superior for better result

3 is 3 times as many people as 1. If I wanted to host 3, I would have booked a reservation for 3. Instead, I booked a reservation for 1.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Penélope0 Unfortunately, your listing states "Extra people: No Charge."


So, even though that was almost certainly an error, that was in effect when the guest booked and it applies.


You need to change that, obviously, to avoid this for future bookings.


When viewing your listing's calendar, click on Pricing Settings near the upper right. Then click on "Additional pricing options" and then adjust the setting for "Additional guests". Uncheck it.


After doing that, double-check your listing to be sure that the "Extra people: No Charge." text has gone away. If it doesn't, try setting the rate per extra guest (back in the above-described location) to something high, like $250 or more. There used to be a weird bug related to this, and it might've returned.




Cool, give me your address and I'll send them to your place.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


@Dede0 gave you sound advice on how to get around the silly and misleading setting that Airbnb has dumped on hosts in the settings and simply does not want to change the wording of, no matter how often hosts complain about it. I'm surprised that when looking at your listing as a guest would  it didn't occur to you.


You could have stopped the guests at the entrance and not let them in by referring to your maximum number of guests which supercedes all.

You will really have to learn to stand up to bullies, since hosting isn't for the faint of heart.


And may I point out that Dede is an extremely experienced host active on this community giving her time and advice freely and free of charge to help with host questions and does not need snarkiness coming her way as thanks.


If you took the time to peruse this community, you'd be surprised at how much you as new host would learn within even just one hour. Call it a hosting crash course for all situations. Also some reading material to prepare yourself a bit more:


Starting out

@Penélope0  I'm shocked and appalled that you would reply this way to @Dede0.  @Andrea9  is 100% correct in that Dede was great to write you some helpful advice, out of the kindess of her own heart to ensure this doesn't happen again to you. Don't take your frustration on the very people trying to help you.  Recognize you made a mistake, and learn from it. I can tell you that I continue to learn daily on how I can be a better host.  I do that by reading what others suggest. And listening to my guests. 


As a host of one year, hosting over 60 plus bookings, I would like to take this moment to reiterate what else Andrea shared with you.....if every new host, would take the time to read everything that Airbnb provides in their hosting tips, terms and conditions, many articles, suggestions, "How To " on their website, these situations wouldn't happen to so many hosts.  I continue to read many many posts of hosts expressing frustrations on whats happening to them with bad guests, or prices not being charged correctly, etc, when in fact, its NOT AIRBNB fault at all but more so because the host don't take the time to understand how their account works, or how hosting works, or what they should do on their listing.  The reason ABB said this to you is because your listing does NOT have a charge for extra guests, and your House Rules do not say "No Extra Visitors."  I made sure to go through everything in my account and my listing with a fine tooth comb before I even went public.  I worked on my listing, and my account for 3 months before I even went PUBLIC.  And I spent hours and hours, reading all of the helpful tips on this Community Center just reading answers from the experienced informative hosts.  That's something you should do as well.  


Can you call the police and ask them to leave?  Absolutely, its your house ....BUT I want to caution you on one thing before you do that.  Take the time to speak to your guest FIRST (and in private) away from the others.  You dont' want to make them feel bad as they did nothing wrong. Try and work something out with the guest or you will most likely risk a bad review.  Explain to him or her, that you are not comfortable with 2 extra people staying, and would prefer that they leave or ask if you can help them find other accommadations that could support 3 people.  The best way to handle this is to be PRO-ACTIVE....not snarky or ungrateful to other hosts. 


We are here to help you in the best way we can.  The best way to show appreciation is to say "thank you @Dede"  not the reply you publically posted.  There will be a time, when you will REALLY need the community again, when ABB is too busy handling other calls, and people wil ignore your reqeust for help based on tonights reaction from you.    I would suggest you write to the community Manager Lizzie and request that your post be removed if you would like to try again to say "Thank you" to Dede.  Just some friendly advice.  As one host to another....I write this to you out of the kindess of my heart because I care. And I want you to enjoy the reasons you became a host in the first place.    


Fix your listing.  Update your rules.  And remember, knowledge is power.  And Keep the power of your listing in your hands.  I can tell you I do.... 365 days of the year.  (and yes, I charge for extra guests, and I also say "No Visitors to our home without written permission from the host".  Hope this helps.  If not, you can silently tell me to "go away"  haha - just don't post it. 

Aloha, Momi, Superhost - Hawaii

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

@Dede0  You are one of the kindest and informative hosts on this site. I have been learning from you since 2015.  Please don't stop.  Please know that others like me, who now have 45 reviews with a 93% Overall rating, have learned alot from your tips and am so grateful for the time you take to conitnue helping others.  You are APPRECIATED!  Aloha, Momi - Hawaii #LiveAloha 

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

[Inappropriate Content]

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Penélope0 First, you make a smart-ass response to my totally inoffensive and (if you'd heeded it) helpful comment. Later, you make and unfounded, reactive remark about someone else being a "troll". You clearly have some issues...


n top of all that, it's been more than a day, and you still haven't corrected the error that led to your original problem. You had time to read people's comments and suggestions, but you didn't have time to take the actions that would fix your problem? Again, you clearly have a few personal issues.


Instead of lashing out at people who've tried to help you, go FIX your listing. Your listing still specifies "No charge" for extra guests. FIX that unless you just want to keep complaining ad naseum.


And in the future, without some apologies, don't expect any help from me or many other hosts.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


I'm just going to step into this discussion, as it has got rather personal here and off the original question. Many of the comments simply are needed and are rather hurtful. Which is not how we speak to one another here in the CC.


This said, I feel there is a lot of useful information shared in this post and things to think about.


I realise that when extra guests who you were not expecting arrive at you door, this can be a worry situation, so I really hope Penelope that this is all sorted and you have managed to resolve this with your guests. You may also consider looking into using the Resolution Center.


I am going to close this thread now, as I think it has run its course.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.




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