Guest cancellation

Guest cancellation

I have a confirmed guest for next week who says she can’t find the reservation.  How do I cancel it?  It’s confirmed on my calendar.


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Cecily16 You don't want to cancel it- you'll receive a barrage of penalties from Airbnb. You need to contact Airbnb directly to find out what's going on. Is the guest saying she never booked it? Or just that it's not showing up on her end? In any case, contact Airbnb- contact info is in a large pinned post on the first page of this Help forum.

@Cecily16 By all means do not cancel it!  Everything is OK on your end, if the confirmed booking appears on your calendar and you have direct contact with the guest. It sounds like the trouble is on her end. 


A lot of problems like these are caused by the super-glitchy Android app (perhaps iPhone too) so suggest to the guest that she log into her account in Desktop mode or use a different device. If she's still unable to find her reservation, she should contact Airbnb.