Guest cancelled after checking in but the listing can't be booked by another guest

Level 2
Athens, Greece

Guest cancelled after checking in but the listing can't be booked by another guest

I recently had a guest cancelling their reservation, post check-in. She did that on her side and Airbnb notified me of said action (totally ok) but mentioned that the remaining dates of the original booking were now freed up, so that other guests could make a booking.

I received an inquiry today for a reservation for tomorrow, however, the system doesn't show the usual "pre-approve" button on the inbox. Is there a glitch regarding the previous/cancelled booking?



1 Best Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Well I very much doubt that because the only real issue/ glitch would have been that the dates remained blocked but since you have received the request that’s not the case here.


Since the reservation is imminent, I would suggest you phone Airbnb and they should be able to assist you in confirming the reservation as well as rectify and system issues so it doesn't happen again. Sen a message to the guest in the meantime informing them you have stumbled on a small technical problem and are contacting Airbnb to sort it out so will be able to approve their booking shortly.


Click on the link for contact options – Contact Airbnb


Hope you get it sorted.



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5 Replies 5
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Well I very much doubt that because the only real issue/ glitch would have been that the dates remained blocked but since you have received the request that’s not the case here.


Since the reservation is imminent, I would suggest you phone Airbnb and they should be able to assist you in confirming the reservation as well as rectify and system issues so it doesn't happen again. Sen a message to the guest in the meantime informing them you have stumbled on a small technical problem and are contacting Airbnb to sort it out so will be able to approve their booking shortly.


Click on the link for contact options – Contact Airbnb


Hope you get it sorted.



Thanks Ama,


I have tried calling Airbnb, but once I type in my phone number (exactly as listed on my profile) the automated system says it's not listed in their system. Go fgure. Have tried emailing instead and hope to hear from them soon. I suspect it has to do with either calendar availability (which I have fixed already, but didn't solve the issue) or verification of the guest, as per calendar note. But then they guest's profile is marked as ID verified... so I'm a bit lost.


Anyway, thank you for your help!



If you received a reservation request, there is no pre-approval option.  You either accept or decline.  

This only applies if you have "instant booking" available. I don't, so any booking inquiry normally gives me the option to pre-approve, or decline. If I do the former the guest can complete the booking.
Level 10
London, United Kingdom


You are most welcome Kalliope. Did you e-mail to Twitter? If you are writing to them then Twitter is the quickest option to receive a response.


I've just had a brief look at your listings,  Gorgeously designed apartment is unavailable until 28 October 16 at the very earliest whilst Gorgeous interior designed room is unavailable until 7th July; your calendar is definitely blocked for tomorrow so I think it probably is likely to be a glitch which failed to unblock your calendar after the guest cancelled as opposed to verification otherwise I would have seen availability.