I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi, I've been an Airbnb for several weeks now and I've had very positive experience. However, I was very shocked and upset to discover when I entered my property this morning to find that my last guest has stolen several items from the apartment. I didn't meet them in person as I was away over the bank holiday, but they seemed very nice from their emails and had good reviews from other hosts. They were 3 adults and a child. They've taken several items of cutlery including corkscrew, tin-opener, two sharp knives and pair of scissors (all brand new) they've gone through cupboards and taken two throws, they've stolen 2 cushions, hair-dryer, a mirror, and lovely table lamp, and lots of other small items. I am so upset about this and I'm guessing there is not much I can do about it, as I don't have any proof it was them, I'm sure that they will simply deny it if I ask them about it and from what I've read Airbnb don't seem very helpful at giving hosts money out of the security deposit. Thank you for any advice on this.
Fiest thing to do is contact them through the AirBnb system to see if they 'accidentally' packe the items when they left, next step would be the Police.
The only fun you can have is crafting your public review.
Their thievery was significant and strange - not just some tp taken.
You need to let other hosts know while not coming off deranged.
"Guests liked my decor so much, they decided to take my lamp with them"
"Poor things could not afford a mirror so they took mine"
"Alcoholism is such a strong disease, those afflicted think all corkscrews must be theirs for the taking"....
Sorry you were violated, but do dust yourself off and get some sweet revenge.
Thanks for both replies, Paul I love your response! Great idea for review, she did tell me how much she loved my apartment so guess she wanted to take back part of it with her lol...To be honest I think she always intended to nick a few items as she managed to persuade me to remove the verification of id when she booked as told me her app kept crashing! I now think this was deliberate and she probably wasn't even who she said she was. She came across as super friendly and they were also a family with two small children. I was so surprised, but still have learned a lesson and will have to be more careful and every guest needs to verify who they are in future. Thanks!
Wow! If a guest asks to circumvent a verification step, that is a red flag! Thanks for posting your experience, as it helps other guests to be on alert for such behavior. This points to the importance of all of us hosts creating an inventory list of what we have and a photo record. I'm afraid I haven't done that yet!
You should report this to ABB and put in a claim through the Resolution Center. Some of those items are probably in your listing photos, so may be accounted for. I would add up the value of each missing item and prepare an itemized charge list. Open a case in the Resolution Center. Even if the guest declines, you may be able to still get the Support team to authorze a payout from the security deposit. I did this one time for damages... the guest declined to pay my claim, but ABB support reviewed our messages and my documentation and paid me out of the guest's security deposit. You did requrire a security deposit, yes? I suggest to also take a photo of the place where each missing item had been, even if you didn't have photos prior.
Thanks so much Jim and Marcia for your reply. I regret to say that I didn't take a security deposit! I know now this was really silly, in fact this guest was one of my first guests to book and I hadn't yet implemented the security deposit. I've contacted Airbnb through resolution centre, but guess I won't get much joy there. I guess she could have trashed the place so I've learnt my lesson! I'm looking to insure the place now independent of Airbnb, not sure how reliable Airbnb would be even with photo evidence as guest could simply claim the items weren't there when she arrived, other than asking guests to sign inventories or taking photos before each guest arrives..Thanks so much for your reply, yes no id verification no booking in future! I was far too trusting.
The Security Deposit would not have helped, well may have scared the Guest not realising what it is.