Guest is checking out early, should I refund the remaining booking nights?

Level 2
CABA, Argentina

Guest is checking out early, should I refund the remaining booking nights?

My guest with booking Feb 8-24, is leaving feb 12 and has asked me if I could refund part of his full booking (apparently his mother has passed away) How do I go about? I am an honest person and this is my first time I have this kind of experience. What should I do? Or does he have to cancel his reservation? How can this impact on my reviews? I am aiming to superhost....almost there!


Suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You (or the guest) can change the reservation by shortening it and price will be recalculated. If calculation is not OK, you can put in a price manually (for example weekly discount will not appy, cancelation policy doing unwanted things etc..). So that's why it's better you do it, to stay in control.


An other option is: the guest cancels the reservation and try to get a refund at Airbnb due to "extenuating circumstances"


Both options do not relate in becoming Superhost, it's just a business deal.

BTW Never cancel the reservation yourself !


Best regards,
