You wrote <it's against AirBnB policy to book as a third party and the host guarantee is not valid for third party bookings>
Can you please point me to Airbnb's written policy on both of these points? I'd really appreciate it.
Oddly, I've been getting this a lot lately --- someone who books using someone else's account -- supposedly a fiance, or girlfriend, or boyfriend -- and the latest one where someone used the account of (supposedly) a friend of her daughter. Really? This seems really dicey. But if I complain without a stated Airbnb policy in writing online, then I just come off as a bad guy.
I feel that Airbnb should have a consistent policy prohibiting this -- but I cannot find it! Where did you get this information please?
Also, where is it stated that a review can be pulled if it's a third party booking? I thought they will only pull a review if it uses derogatory language.
Thank you.
Shosh in NYC