Guests check in

Guests check in

Good morning,
the guests more and more think us hosts as owners of a hotel with concierge 24h on 24. More and more often they give their check-in time vague and the same day despite the kind and renewed requests to have a timetable so as not to have to commit us hosts for the whole day as we work and have a life.
I would like Airbnb to specify this to guests. We put at the best of our possibilities available a house often with facilities equal to a hotel but many do not want to remember that it is not and that you can not expect the concierge 24h on 24 to your liking and warning at the last minute with the claim to be there without delay. One of them even complained once for my 10 minute delay !!!
I am convinced that Airbnb needs to find ways to communicate it to guests.
Thank you, I await your reply
Good day

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Valerio131  I added this to my House Rules about a year ago, and it is has helped quite a bit when coupled with some messages the week before the reservation begins.


Check out time is before 10:30AM; check in between 4PM and 10PM, with 24 hours notification specifying an hour window.

Thank you so much Susan.

I have already  almost cut and paste your tip on House rules! I hope it is going to work with me too.