Guests overuse electricity and blow fuse breakers -- How to prevent overuse of power

Level 8
Abbeville, SC

Guests overuse electricity and blow fuse breakers -- How to prevent overuse of power

My very first guests arrived this weekend!  They have already blown the circuit breakers by running appliances, AC, hot water heater etc.  



27 Replies 27
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It's not much you can do, only by technical solutions to limitate power consumption or talk to the guest about the issue.  If fuses are blown because of power used,  then maybe your electrical system needs an upgrade ?

Best regards,


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Rosalind41 

hope you are well. 

This really annoys me as well. For control of AC and heating there are smart meters such as NEST learning thermostats. Allowing you to remotely check temperatures and adjust from your phone etc. If you do host check in also reminding guests of this helps. 

For certain guests who abuse the washing machine (one used to use it everyday for 7hr), we would just disconnect it from the back or remove the products for its use. She got the hint and was too cheap to buy the cleaning powder and had no idea which switch it was to turn it back on. 

But talking normally helps... sometimes people just need a gentle reminder.

Good luck to you.

Yadira 🙂

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


For washing machine there some more technical solutions:

- Activate the child lock, if available

- Mount a water crane with removable turning knob (or key) (that's what i use)

- Use lockable elektrical wall socket (with key or Wif or remote control)

- Use lockable Powerplug (With key or Wifi or remote control)

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


Omg yes- never thought of these. Honestly when it happened was getting too annoyed that I was even considering just taking the washing machine away and leaving a hole in the kitchen for where it was. 🙈

yes- these are more suitable solutions. Thank you. 

Yadira, sounds like I'm not alone in this problem!





I've never heard of these devices before.  Are there specific 'brands' that I should search for and are they online or through a professional?

Thank you so much for your help!



I am concerned about the clothes washing expense as well.  I have only provided 2 packs of laundry detergent.  I feel like I'm just giving stuff away!  Too bad I don't know how to put a coin-operated machine in my house....can that even be done?

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rosalind41  As these are only your first guests, I'd say that this is going to happen again and again. While you can ask guests not to use all these appliances at the same time, many won't be either concious or observant of this. If there is any way you can upgrade your electrical panel by adding another circuit to the place, I'd do that. There are obviously too many things on the number of circuits you have.


Yes, this is what our 'managers' said.  The reality is that there used to be only my very frugal, energy conservative parents who lived in the house before and now there are 8 energy-gushing people in the house that show no concern for energy conservation.  It never happened before with 2 people, but now with reservations for 6 - 8 people each time, we're going to have this fixed immediately.


thanks for your continual help!



Level 8
Abbeville, SC

Yes Emiel, We are calling about the electrical system on Monday, but it is aggravating that I have a certain temperature setting listed in the House Manual and the guests continue to lower the AC temp to 69 degrees!  This is my first listing.....someone please tell me that this is all going to work out overall!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


the first couple of months are going to be one of the biggest learning curves you’ll go through, especially if you live there. 

My best advice is to take it a day at a time, ask for help when you need it, listen to your gut, be vocal but polite and eventually you’ll find your footing- same as with anything else. Also remember that STR is not for everyone but give it time.... you’ll definitely figure it out. Sending love your way- have a beautiful day! 🙂

@Yadira22 Oh you are so kind and so polite!  What is "STR" please, if I may ask out of ignorance?


Hugs back to you!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Short term rental. X

@Rosalind41 :

I have WiFi control over all air conditioners,  but given a high of 85F and a low of 71F overnight,   what do you expect the indoor temperature should be?  🙂

In my experience,  a good number of guests are going to expect lower than 69F.