Guests stealing things from my house

Level 2
Belgrade, Serbia

Guests stealing things from my house

I had a guests that are canceled reservation day after arrival.  Before they checked  out they stole some kitchen  stuff like tea towels and few frying pen's and some lights from the garden and few other little  things. I emailed airbnb to see if they could help with this. Am still waiting for they response.   Did anyone had same or similar issue  and what can I do about it?

4 Replies 4
Level 2

hi ,


Call airbnb , thats faster. 



Hi Vini thanx for the advice  😉

Level 10
Traverse City, MI

You can take care of this yourself by clicking on the "Report a Problem" and then submitting a claim through the resolution center. Anything you can provide as evidence (photos, receipts, etc) should be attached to help support your case. If the guest disagrees, Airbnb will intervene in deciding what to charge the guests.


Hmmm...I just checked your listing and it doesn't look like you have a deposit! I urge you to do so - if you don't have one, Airbnb can only charge if the guest agrees to the charges (at least that's how I understand it).

Hi Allison 

Am not sure I still have  receipts or anything to support this case :(. I did flag/reported  her profile stated the problem. Reason we don't  have deposit is coz we heard  it's turning people away to book it. I know it's silly but in cases like this its very  useful.  This is all new to us learning  on our mistakes.  But will definitely from now on ask for deposit.  

Thank you for  your  response I do appreciate it; )