Had to decline a guest

Level 2
Omro, WI

Had to decline a guest

She sent request for one guest asking for information. While replying back and forth she put "we" instead of I. She requested to stay and said "so $575, is that correct?" I replied with yes if there are only two guest. I did because we charge $30 a person after that. She finally told me there would be 8 guests. Wow, big difference. So I asked her to redo her request and I would give her a special offer and she hasn't. Now to keep my response rate up I am going to decline her "one" guest, but don't want it to count against me... Any advice? It was she just trying to get me to say yes in that price and scamming so to speak? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Dna0, don't decline. Accept, and say that the booking is for one (or two). Should they wish to increase the amount of guests, the price will be etc.


You can certainly decline the odd guest, but as few as possible as it will definitely hurt you as host, in ranking etc.


The response rate isn't the same as acceptance rate.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


hm, maybe she made a mistake and forgot to enter the proper number of guests. And maybe she is trying to scam you, hard to tell...

Send her a message to please withdraw the request if she doesn't want to book for 1 person or you will accept it and then she will have to cancel the booking if more people wants to arrive and she will lose Airbnb fee and will have to wait up to 2 weeks for a refund.


If it doesn't work then I would decline to save my time and future problems with unregistered guests etc...


 @Sandra126 is right but if 8 of them arrive you will have to forbid them access and will have to contact Airbnb to cancel their stay . If they enter and you discover it later then you will have to cancel their stay, kick them out....very unpleasant situation



So I found a much better way to do it rather than decline. If I click on the pre-approved or decline button then I can go in and make a special offer and I am allowed to change the number of guests so that's what I did and then figured it out from there. I knocked $75 off.