Help! I have a guest who won’t stop talking and doesn’t respect our Airbnb space!!!!

Level 4
Fort Worth, TX

Help! I have a guest who won’t stop talking and doesn’t respect our Airbnb space!!!!

I need your help and ideas! I have a guest who is extremely talkative AND has no boundaries or sense of social cues!! She’s the worst guest we’ve ever hosted because she makes us uncomfortable in our own home. She doesn’t respect which space is the Airbnb space and which space is not. She constantly talks even calling loudly downstairs repeatedly to chat about trivial things about or to borrow my nail polish ie. even when my husband and I were trying to chill and watch tv after a long day. She arrived yesterday. We met her around 5pm and after a while of this, we went to the mall and to eat to get away for a while but when we got back — same behavior from her. She is here today and one more night. And my husband and I both have today and tomorrow off from work. What do we do?? Help!? What would you do? Any tips? Thank you.

Top Answer
Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Glad to hear you survived. 💐👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I hope you gave her an honest review, especially with not adhering to house rules. Bringing  home a guest that had not been included in the booking, and misleading and non stop communication.


Review: Mark her a three so she can’t book again. Also thumbs down for recommending. NO! 

....... and better suited to a hotel..... 

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26 Replies 26
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Book an Airbnb someplace for today and tomorrow?

I would just put up with it, @Lisa1122. It will be a long two days, but then it will be done. It is very annoying (believe me, I know - had it happen), but not serious, sounds like. Muster up all your kindness and patience and then breathe a sigh of relief after checkout. 

Do be firm about not rummaging in your personal stuff, though. That's different. Was the nail polish in the shared space?



Level 4
Fort Worth, TX

Thank you so much for your response! That’s funny about booking an Airbnb myself haha. You’re right— in the long run it’s probably best to just deal with it patiently.

Level 2
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Gosh, I have that right now and she is here for 3 weeks. Also, she has already broken her bedside table, and ruined our door! Joy. I escape to my bedroom alot, but its hard when its your own home. Totally feel your pain. 

Oh my gosh — I am so sorry to hear that! It’s such an uncomfortable situation:/ And 3 weeks?! Dang!!! I can’t believe her damages too!



What did you end up doing about this guest’s poor behavior?

Level 2
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

We struggled on. I am a Christian and was determined to show love to her no matter what. We monitored her alot (so were downstairs in the kitchen helping out etc) and helped her with stuff (partly for our benefit to prevent further damages). We would go around turning faucets back off etc. Saying that, she would tidy up the kitchen. She also did not have great boundaries so would talk to us as we were working etc. Fortunately I did say many times, "Thats great Jane, but I am sorry I need to interupt you there because we have to work. lets talk later."  I think I could have coped with the talkative and many other things, its not the not being responsible for the damages and not paying that gets me. Not respecting our home. That was hard. 

Hey ho... one difficult/interesting guest amongst some amazing ones is not too bad!!

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

So @Lisa1122, I’d have gone for a nice drive... picnic for the day, or taken in a movie etc. or both! 


But have you survived the spaceless chatty? Please us know......and how! 



@Cathie19, I did!! Thanks for asking! That was rough — worst guest experience I’ve had! The second day I hid in my bedroom until she left. She was talking really loudly outside my door as if she was trying to get my attention. But I stayed in my room. 


Fortunately,  she left and spent the day with some guy she “met online” and once she came home and brought him (which was wierd bc she didn’t book for two) at least she had a friend. She lied about having a service dog when booking, which I agreed to — but it was not a service dog. She lied on a few occasions but at least left.


But then she tried to call and text my cell phone yesterday— a few days after she left. I messaged her back through the Airbnb app and haven’t heard back from her yet!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow you could have cancelled her booking for either the pet issue or bringing in a guest that hadn't been booked into your place. She would have been out on her ear, if she did that in my place.


I do hope you left an honest review, three stars for communications and thumbs down so she can't use IB with future hosts.

@Helen3 You are right. I decided to put up with the behavior struggles, but I did leave an accurate yet tactful response that will be clear for other Airbnb hosts 🙂

Level 2
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Lisa... Love to hear what you said about your guest. The guest I talked about is sweet and has done some kind things. But... she is clumsy, doesn't have the care of my home, didn't pay back damaged property, lied a few times, and yet is kind and sweet at other times. I feel for her, but on the other hand want to warn other hosts. How do I say this without hurting this woman?

Those are really good ideas if this happens again! Thanks for the ideas!

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Glad to hear you survived. 💐👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I hope you gave her an honest review, especially with not adhering to house rules. Bringing  home a guest that had not been included in the booking, and misleading and non stop communication.


Review: Mark her a three so she can’t book again. Also thumbs down for recommending. NO! 

....... and better suited to a hotel..... 

@Cathie19 Thank you 😊 I’ve been thinking about what to do for the review and haven’t been sure how to approach it tactfully but truthfully.  Those are really good suggestions!!!!