Help meeded Over Cancellation

Level 1
Kolkata, India

Help meeded Over Cancellation

Hello AirBnb team, my grandfather died in this morning. I have to cancel my trip plan because of that.
If you need I can send you the Death Certificate as well.
Can You please arrange a full refund or Credit in my AirBnb Wallet.

For all my reservation cancellation, AirBnb has taken a huge fees. Which is not bearable for me.
Can you please take care about that?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

You have posted this on the Airbnb Community Center, which is just a discussion forum for hosts and guests. You'll need to get in touch with Airbnb customer service to assist you with your cancellation.


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Tridipta0,


I'm really sorry for your loss. 


The community is not a dedicated help channel, so please contact the Airbnb Support team to request your cancellation and refund.


I hope this helps.




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