
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Homelessness efforts?

Homelessness efforts?

Does airbnb have any plans to facilitate efforts to mitigate homelessness? Couldn't the platform be used to screen and host homeless people, perhaps have the costs covered by municipal dollars? like hotel vouchers. Might be worthwhile for airbnb to be seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem?  

29 Replies 29
Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

??? really? are you suggesting WE should be sharing our homes with homeless people?  Well, I do not know about your 'world' but where I'm living... you don't really want to share your house with them. I would not mind brainstorming about idea's how to help though. But my own safety and the safety of my family are my first concerns, so no: not in my house.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow @Carol35


Although I don't think the original suggestion is feasible I think your comment is harsh. I would love BNB to team up with charities that provide a space for young homeless people.


I do actual share my home with young homeless people through a local scheme, which offers young  vetted homeless people who would otherwise be on the streets with a safe place and meal for the night with vetted hosts.


This scheme operates in a number of cities in the UK.


Without exception all the young people I have hosted have been lovely, grateful and on the streets through no fault of their own - domestic violence, mental illness within the family etc.





Hello Carol 🙂 I am homeless I am a great college kid with a major in engineering. I am 19 and my future is so bright, my family however does not want to see me grow. My name is Nia ****, My major is chemical engineering and I plan to go into pharmaceutical science. I was going through some domestic abuse at my previous home and I had to leave. I am currently out of a place to stay. I recently obtained a new job on Monday since being homeless, however since I just started training and have little to no money. Going from house to house and working outside of your jobs city has exhausted all of my funds. I was unemployed for about a month. I am no threat and just want to tell you not all homeless people are bad people. I would never hurt anyone's family. I just have been delt a bad hand in life. 

 Your response is limited and stereotypical. I am a disabled VET who was recently kicked out of my 3-year rental because of my landlord's greed.  Rent was always paid on time, I kept the apartment clean, and was quiet. I also went that extra mile and always took care to watch my landlords house when he was away. I saved his dog from death when "my care only for himself landlord" forgot his dog in his care with no windows rolled down while he was mowing his lawn. Now you would never know this by his Airbnb reviews. He treated everyone who rented the big house with red carpet while treating me like a servant who deserved nothing.  Mr. Greedy finally kicked me out leaving myself and my two cats homeless now. I called him to let him know and asked him if he had gotten my check to send to me and he not only did not have my check he took my name out of the mailbox so the check would be sent back. Nice guy huh? I am disabled due to the government's abuse. I have no drinking or drug problems and your response really is wrong.  To top everything off my landlord lied to me about why I had to move out. He is a user and does nothing for no one.  When he gets what he wants and you are no longer a benefit he throws you out with not a thought in the world. Airbnb and people like him are creating the homeless so please think before you open your mouth.

I have a old friend of the family that is in the same situation. He is 62 Veteran that has always had a house and was married. After his wife left him things did not work out and for the first time ever he has no place to stay. It is very hard on older people that have no street smarts and have never used a government services for people in need. It has been very hard to find him housing but i am able to find a couch or a bedroom on here from time to time that he can afford. It could take up to a year for low income senior housing.

so you are just fine with creating homeless people,,,,but would not want to sahre your house with one,,,,

you deserve to be homeless yourself


Well hi there carol35 so while your brainstorming there brainstormer,   or ask yourself this, What is your ideal homeless person? Is it the homeless person from TV or the ones under the bridge or ask yourself this question. How did they get there? So my guess is all homeless people are the same to you right? So A homeless person couldn't be someone that does have income that does work that does have a car with a family that happens to have an idiot landlord who thinks they can do whatever they want because it's their property whether you pay rent or not? Have you ever heard of Texas Rio grande legal aid? Maybe you should look that up and include it in your brainstorming.  What if someone doesn't want to deal with all of the landlord and tenant rights crap and appealing judgments in court and waiting for all those court dates so they leave the property so there's no confrontations and no problems. With Money in the Bank that's going towards hotels 60 to $150  a night if that. How long would that last you? Renting an Airbnb for the month rather than nightly would probably save homeless people that are looking for relocation a lot of money. Reconsidering the pricing or a program to help stay off the street through this transition would help tremendously. So now I ask you, are homeless people all the same? 

Level 2
Mission, KS

There's a severe cold front covering the U.S. Midwest with ice this weekend. One of my units is empty. I would be delighted to house a well-vetted homeless person or family to ensure they survived these nights. The only money I would need is the cleaning cost. I can write the rental cost off as a complementary stay (lost income).  That actually helps me when the unit is empty anyway.  


I would love love to see Airbnb step up to create such a program for cities and agencies helping homelessness to join.

Im always looking at the bottom line, cost and what's in it for me but helping our fellow man, This is something I can be on board with.  I think ABNB has to work out the vetting process but this is a good thing.  My place is a stand alone bnb, it may be a little different for people provide a private room or space. It's a case by case basis. 

Thanks for pointing this out, Randolph.  My listings are private rooms in my house, and I think it's a completely different situation to rent out a room in your house vs. a completely separate private rental house/unit.  

@Laurel14 and @Helen I'm inspired by your responses!

You can contact Catholic Charities, I also open my home to homeless people when I have a room empty:) Catholic Charites also vetts everyone and are so grateful when you can help.

Hi Laurel, just curious info you were able to help someone out? Also curious about ways that an AirBnB type platform could help the homeless. 

After some thought I could see that there may be something for a system that could be rolled out to organisations that help the homeless to help them get prospective hosts to sign up and manage their placements.


Of course that might already exist.


I assume the major issue is getting Hosts to sign up and not sure a web site by itself is the solution.
