Horrible guest with bad review

Horrible guest with bad review

Had a horrible guest about a week ago.  She happened to book a second time at my place after her first visit.  Everything was bad with her from start to finish.  She never communicated when she was arriving and just showed up.  After her first night  ~

she complained that she is traveling with a bad neck and told me she wanted more than the 6 pillows I supplied for the bed because none were fluffy enough for her bad neck.  She asked for a body pillow which I didn’t have. Left my place a complete pig stye.  I took pics.  Left every gate open when I stated I have dogs.  No respect or consideration at all.  She complimented me in AirBNB messaging that all was fine and accommodations were great. After she checked out and I saw how she left my guest house ~ I decided I didn’t want her back at my for her 2nd visit.  I contacted AirBNB support and told them I wanted to cancel but to wait until the review period was up so she wouldn’t give me a bad review.  Well, they didn’t listen and canceled her anyway.  She wanted to seek revenge because she messaged me everything was fine and she was happy with my place but when she realized her 2nd stay was canceled she decided to complain.  Her review was nothing like her experience in fact, she complained about things that I have in my listing that she would see ahead of time (either in description or house rules).  I want her review removed.  I’ve never had anyone complain ~ as a matter of fact almost everyone tells me my place is the best AirBNB they’ve stayed in.  She wanted to publicly get revenge because I canceled her.  What can I do?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Robin611  It's near impossible to get a review removed if it doesn't violate one of Airbnb's review rules. You can write a response to her review which makes it clear that the review is untrue and retaliation for cancelling her 2nd reservation due to her behavior the first time she stayed. Just keep the response brief and professional and factual, no emotion. The response will be read by future guests, so don't speak to the guest, but simply correct the false info in her review.

You could post the response you come up with here on the forum and other hosts can advise you if it sounds okay.

You could have blocked her from booking with you again after your first bad experience with her.

I have a current guest departing in a week - similar situation, she is near IMPOSSIBLE to please, I have had star reviews and regulars book years in advance - we are the best in our area and pride ourselves as rather unique with our luxury level... however, her demands are outrageous, and low and behold we had a burst sewage council pipe in our area and the whole suburb had a dull 'smell' (which I have communicated to her clearly that it was totally out of control) - she is now demanding a refund !! I've offered to move her to a higher villa that was not affected but she insists on staying.. but also insists on partial refund 😞  My only concern is that she is the type to leave a bad review if I don't give in to her .. I feel like I'm stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.... what would you do? 




Airbnb has revently updated its review guidelines. Read more about it right here:





Amongst others they say:


  • There are also times when a guest comments on issues outside of your control, or unrelated to the service you provided. Those types of reviews may be removed if they only contain irrelevant content that isn’t useful to future guests.


So airbnb may take the review of your guest down if she complains about the smell due to a burst sewage council pipe in Your area. This is sure something completely out of your control. But You are on shaky ground, bc You never know what airbnb support decides.



You could also tell Your guest that You have a very expensive business insurance that covers all kinds of guest annoyance including smell. Your contract says, they may cover up to 70% of the rental price due to smell. You will report the issue to the insurance company, they need a report from the community about the burst pipe and all this will take 3 weeks. Your insurance company told You, You are not entitled to make any written promises or discuss or disclose the insurance contract to the guest. Actually, don't put anything in writing at all.


All this of course is a flat out lie, but we hosts have to protect ourselves in the world of unfair reviews.


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why don't you ask airbnb to cancel her booking instead if she was making constant unreasonable demands for amenities or issues not covered in your listing. @Paula1447 


She is going to leave you a bad review regardless. Why put up with her demanding behaviour. Hopefully you have this all recorded via Airbnb say that you have offered alternatives because of the smell but she refuses to move into them.