Host Lied on Review

Level 1
United States

Host Lied on Review

Hello - I had a host completely lie on her review of me. Said I trashed her home, threw a massive party and left damages. I have proof that all of these are false but because of the airbnb rule that reviews cannot be deleted, I am stuck with a horrific review that is completely false. I am a 5 star rated guest but she is trying to tarnish my account.


She's threatened to blackmail me, insulted my age and many other things.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I assume the host is charging you for the damages and also will provide proof of it (photo's) ?

What proof do you have the review is false ?

Maybe Airbnb is interested in all proofs to see who is speaking the truth....

best regards,


Level 10
Stonington, CT

How horrible! I'm so sorry this happened to you!


Did she threaten you by email, airbnb message, or text message? Any of the above should be enough to get a review removed. Have you contacted Airbnb customer service about this?

Level 2
West Union, SC

I had a host state that I stole and broke things in my last stayed as a guest. We have excellent 5 star reviews. Airbnb doesnt want to do anything, except that I could reply to her lie, which I did. I have pics of the entire place on exit as I read prior reviews, & some of her replies to my inquiries she would state that prior guest broke this or that. Glad I followed my gut and got pics on exit. Dont appreciate Airbnb not helping as they make their money of some hosts that only care to make money without providing a "wowed & unique experience" We will continue to be guests and we have no doubt that all our prior reviews will show that we are good clean stading citizens and have no need to steal or break property.  It is eye opening. I would say anyone hosting you should do same look beyond and hope it works out the fair way.