Host partnership GROUP

Level 2
İstanbul, Turkey

Host partnership GROUP

Dear Friends,

I have been airbnb hosts for almost 5 years in İstanbul. I am one of the founder of home tourism associations as well. Since last year, there have been 6 terrorist attacks and ISID bombings happened in Turkey. And finally military coup happened 5 days ago. ISıD became a nightmare of whole the world. Many countries suffering with that. Democratic peoples in Turkey and their business are under municipality attack as well. They have been shutting down our flats apart buildings without any reason.  and our business and safety are in big trouble unfortunately.  I have to make a decision to shut them off and consider to move another country to continue the same business via my airbnb account.

Another option could be to become a partner with other airbnb hosts in other countries wherever I will move.My high valueable airbnb account could be attractive for any smaller host organisations.  Or single hosts might need to increase the job. another For any reason, other hosts might have been looking for a partnership relation but there is no any platform to meet people and create solutions together. 

As you know, there are many groups at airbnb. Is there any host group that looking for partnership or something like that? If not, can we create a group like that? By creating this group, at least, business will not be ended and airbnb hosts and business will be supported in terrible conditions like terrorism or military coup. 

Your advise will be most appreciated. 

Best Regards,

Evin evrim

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Boise, ID

I am so sorry you are facing this choice, which is not much of a choice at all.  I don't need any assistance, and live very far away , but I didn't want to let your message go unanswered.