AirBnb at first glance is a very lucrative company to host for. As far as the experience I've had I would steer clear from becoming a host as their is no respect for even a Super Host. To become a super host you must meet the standards of the AirBnB community. They promise VIP help and response when you are a Super Host. Recently we had one client out of 100's that went way over the top to complain about our property and without notice they took our properties of the website and have not answered any of our calls. This has been over a week without response. That's a horrible business plan to basically leave someone that has worked extremely hard to become a Super Host out in the cold with no response. I would not recommend becoming a host or even using this company in any future travel plans.
Airbnb CS seems recently to be decreased to a level to be worried about .Which is also my personal experience. But the good news is: contact Airbnb on Twitter (account: AirbnbHelp) and complain about your case. You will meet a much higher level of competence and maybe the case will be reopened or solved.
1 guest's bad review should not be able to ruin your business, this is also not Airbnb policy.
Appreciate the advice but I don't do twitter and would not open up a twitter account just to be finally heard by AirBnB. Anyone that does have Twitter and wants to copy and paste my concerns I wouldn't be opposed to it.