Hosting support

Level 2
San Jose, CA

Hosting support

Are any other hosts having trouble recently with your listing being zeroed out and no longer having the ability to be viewed by others?  


I noticed in mid July that I was not getting views.  My home was booked pretty solid through August, so I didn't think much of it.  But, then I was looking at my performance and noticed that I had several days of no views, even though I had added a special promotion.  Then when I looked at payouts, I noticed that it said I had 0 nights booked and 0 nights available.  That's when I realized something was wrong with my hosting account.  So, I contacted Airbnb customer support, week of August 5th.  During that week I spoke with three different representatives who saw the problem and was trying to get technical support to help.  I have also requested help online.  Since the week of August 5, now I can't connect with any customer support, and the online support keeps getting closed out by Airbnb without resolving the problem.  Each day that passes without being viewed is costing me rental income.  After spending two great years of hosting, I am now looking at starting over with a competitor, which I hate to do.


Help - are others having trouble?  Does anyone have recommendations on how to get Airbnb to support me? How do you reach a supervisor or escalate the issue?  Thanks for any support you can lend.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Roberta700 Indeed it appears that your listings have been suspended. You could try Twitter to contact Airbnb. Keep calling ideally when Irish call centre is taking the calls as they are reputed to be the best. As a back up it might be worth finding a new listing site - you can always run two which would make sense after this fiasco.

I assume you have had no complaints and/or have not tried to take Airbnb guests off-platform as these could get you suspended.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Catherine-Powell This is the sort of post that frightens the life out of me. We only list on Airbnb but if our listing were suspended then we would be left without an income. If host customer support is not improved then we will be forced to list on multiple platforms which will be more work for us and less revenue for Airbnb.

Hopefully @Roberta700 's experience is an outlier but that, of course, won't help her if customer support keep closing her tickets.

Thanks for tagging me @Mike-And-Jane0. This seems to be an outlier issue. @Roberta700 Our team have been working behind the scenes on this, and you should've heard from them already. Your account should now be fixed.


Thank you for your patience,


Level 6
New York, NY

@Roberta700 I had the exact same thing. Did get through and they fixed one but now it’s my other listing. Let me know how you get it fixed. I called Ireland CS and could net get through 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi Kris, 


I'm sorry to hear you've had this issue. I received an update from support so I will send you a DM now 🙂


