How can I ask for my payout? I already change the bank account! How can redeposit it to my new bank

Level 1
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

How can I ask for my payout? I already change the bank account! How can redeposit it to my new bank

Hi I'm Sarah, 


I have a problem with my payout last May 23, 2019. The bank account where my payout deposited was inactive already? I had changed the new bank account /details. Can you redeposit it to my new bank details? I checked to my bank but that old account number has beed  deactivated already and they cannot retrieve. But AirBNB deposited it to my old account. 


Hope to hear from you soon. 


Thank you

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Rabat, Morocco

Salute @Sarah-Rose1


If it is possible for you, could you see this Link :  


