How can I get refund into my account for properties that I manage?

Level 1
Santa Cruz, CA

How can I get refund into my account for properties that I manage?

I want to take advantage of the new March promotion with instant booking. I want to get the refund for the other properties that I manage since I do the wrk. But their money goes directly into their acc. for their listings & mine into my acc for my listing. They pay me on their own for my services.

How can I take advantage of the refund for all listings I manage w/o it going into their acc???

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sharon188,


Welcome to the Community Center! It would help us to help you if you could give us a bit more information about your question - which Instant Book promotion are you referring to? What is the refund for the properties you manage due to? 


It may be worth you contacting Airbnb support about this question - this Community Help Guide explains the best ways to contact them.


Just to let you know, I have moved your post here to a new thread so it doesn't get lost in another discussion and it is easier to find. I have also given it a title, please let me know if you would like to change it!

