How can a guest who cancelled, still leave a review?

How can a guest who cancelled, still leave a review?

Hi folks,

We just had a person that had booked for 8 nights, leave after one night to stay with friends 40 km away.

We have sent a refund which equates to 6 nights, but the room is still blocked off.

Any method of getting it unblocked??


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If the guest cancels, the remaining dates will be made available again and a refund (if any) will be calculated automatically. Did you follow different procedures ?

Best regards,



The guest hasn't actually cancelled, simply moved out after the one night to stay with some friends nearby.

Out of courtesy, the guest has been reimbursed with 6 of the 8 nights that were paid for (2 days payment kept for one night's stay, plus extra day against cancellation policy).

The guest did not ask for a refund, it was offered.

Now the room is vacant, but if possible, I would like to see it available again.



Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


As long reservation is not cancelled (by the guest), it will stay active.

Reservation could also has been changed (shortened).

In both cases refund (if any) was calculated automatically and dates become available.

Now it is too late, you can try to shortened it, but there is a risk  guests wiil be refunded twice:

Best regards,


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Christopher625  The way this is supposed to be done is: Guest cancels rest of stay. They will then be refunded automatically for unused days according to your cancellation policy. The dates will open up. There is no need for you to send a refund unless you wish to refund them more than they receive from Airbnb after their cancellation.

@Sarah977  @Emiel1  

Thanks for your comments.

The guest didn't leave because she was dissatified in any way.

Will have to make sure, should it happen again, that the guest is asked to amend their booking to free up the extra days.

Happy hosting,

