How can one set the additional fee equal to the smart pricing base rate?

Level 1
Swakopmund, Namibia

How can one set the additional fee equal to the smart pricing base rate?



I run a small backpackers (8 beds) and have people book it via Airbnb, directly via email/telephone and also get walk-ins.

I use smart pricing on AirBnb with the minimum amount set to my walk-in price. For shared dorm rooms the listing price on my AirBnb calendar is set for ONE GUEST (as many backpacker travelers travel alone) and when more than 1 guest books via AirBnb, the additional guests pay the 'additional guest fee'. 


With our high season coming up in December/January I had manually increased the listing price (one guest) and received a booking for 4 guests in December. However my payout for this booking is low as the additional 3 three guests still only pay the low season additional guest fee. It would be silly to adjust the additional guest fee now (September) as anyone booking for the time before high season would then also see the high additonal guest fee.


So my question is:

1. Can one set up different additional guest fees for different times on the calendar, i.e. different additional guest fee for high season while keeping it low now?

OR (and this would be the simple way to solve the issue)

2. If I turn on smart pricing for the high season, is there a setting so that I can automatically adjust the 'additional guest fee' equal to the smart pricing's listing price (or will the additional guest fee stay whatever I set it to, which causes the low payout problem I explained above)?

2 Replies 2

@Oliver101 - Airbnb isn't set up as a "per person" system but as a "per bed" system.  That means that if you want to charge "per head" you need to create separate listings where you can charge for each bed.  So, you would have a 1-bed listing, a 2-bed listing, a 3-bed listing, etc.  That way, when 4 people arrive, they will have made a reservation for 4 beds and each bed would be the "per head" price you are looking to charge.  Smart Pricing will adjust each listing type to account for the type of booking.  Make sure you link the calendars to avoid overbooking.

The extra person charge is really to cover the cost of more than one person's expenses when they are sharing a space.  Meaning, when a couple books and shares a bed, the extra person charge covers the extra laundry, the extra water, the extra breakfast, etc.  

Another option, you could also set up different listings that you make available for different times of the year.  So, you set up a listing and extra person charge for the low-season and block off the calendar for high-season bookings and make a high-season listing with the higher extra person charge for the high season and block off the low season on the calendar.  More work and you have to keep up on the calendar. This can also sometimes, be confusing to a guest who may be looking for a rental during the change over and be unable to book either the in-season or off-season space or if they are just "browsing" and see the cheap price but arrive and find the price to be much higher in season.  

Good luck.  


Excellent feedback Alice & Jeff. Thank you it is much appreciated! Regards, Oliver