How do I appeal a denied experience?

Level 2
Auburn, CA

How do I appeal a denied experience?

I am currently running a 2.5 hour experience in which we go for a hike, looking for new archaeological sites.  I created a new proposal, expanding it to include a visit to a hot spring and other historical sites, and using our own cars for transportation between sites, but this new proposal was denied.  How do I get more information about the reason for denial?  How do I appeal? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Oh, @Richard1365 , I read your other post about getting a star rating of 2 from an experience guest because it was hot out. I wonder whether it was that. 

I say that because I keep getting notices about how I qualify to run an experience because I am a highly rated host. Not because I know how to do anything anybody cannot look up for themselves, not because I have looked into experience hosting, only because I am highly rated for cleaning a treehouse...

Could your low average, thanks to that hot customer, be what is holding you back? 

I don't know how you go about appealing, unless you call, but I wonder whether you should wait a bit for more 5 star reviews to up your average, and then resubmit?


I think I'm at 4.8 now. But yes, I was wondering if a low review would lessen my chances of another experience being approved.

Hi Richard, I dont know if you still need help.


normally the average of review does not affect your chances to see a new experience accepted.


If you still want this experience accepted, I can help, do not hesitate to send a message if this is the case 🙂

