How long does it take for a listing to go live

How long does it take for a listing to go live

Hello everyone,

So recently I decided to put my home on Airbnb but it been in the “review” state for almost 4 days and I’m wondering how long does it take for home to go live on the listing of Airbnb. Thanks

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Rabat, Morocco

Salute @Irene519


I think, if it is possible for you, that it takes about 24 hours to go live. Could you see if there is something, which made your listing not being shown. 




Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Irene519,


Welcome to the Community Center and to the world of Airbnb hosting. 


As @Miloud0 says it can take a few hours for the system to update your listing and make it visible. I've just taken a look on your profile and I can see your listing is now live. You home looks very cozy, especially with all the snow. 


I wish you well with hosting and I hope you get your first booking soon. 





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Hello there, my bnb is ready for guests and everything was set up in the listing too but I couldn’t see it is online for guests to search. I checked the listing and it states as ‘listed’ 


Could anyone help me with this please? Thank you