How to cancel reservation for guest who has been here 10 days...stealing.

Level 4
Bingham, ME

How to cancel reservation for guest who has been here 10 days...stealing.

My guest originally booked my least expensive room, and I upgraded them at no charge to a larger room. The first week was nice, and they booked a second week. The larger room was reserved so I moved them to the room they originally booked. While prepping the smaller room (which they were also using) I found some of my personal belongings and a bottle of whiskey that was given to me after my father died (it was his bottle) stashed in a corner. I also found that after they heavily soiled some of the towels, they threw them in the trash. How do I safely "evict" these guests...they are booked for another 5 days.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Diane452  You need to call AirBnB now and explain the situation and tell them to have the guests relocated immediately based on your findings. They may just cancel the reservation and not help with relocating him because stealing violates the trust policy AirBnB was built on. I would tell AirBnB you are no longer comfortable with having them in your home any longer because of this and you want them removed now before they manage to steal anything else. Also if you can make sure you have some one else with you when you make the call to back you up while they are leaving. Hopefully you took back all your items and did not leave them. I would also make sure you watched them carefully after they get the call from AirBnB to make sure they do not take anything else on their way out. Make sure to leave an honest review, but do not mention the stealing in the review it would be pulled if the guests complained. xxxxx (Name) would be better suited to a hotel environment rather than a share home. 


AirBnB number:

United States and Canada

+1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)



Thank you, Letti! Only problem is that the guest has no cell service in this area so AirBnb Will not be able to contact them. Is there any non-confrontational way to ask a guest to cancel the rest of their stay?

Level 10
Zürich, Switzerland


better write something like ..


xxxxx (Name) would be better suited to a hotel environment where everything is nailed down rather than a share home

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Diane452  Not that I am aware of in this situation, it's going to be confrontational unfortunately. They are not going to cancel on their own. They would lose money doing so. Are they able to use their email or texting with your WiFi? AirBnB could contact them that way. I think you need to call AirBnB and get the reservation canceled and then just tell the guest AirBnB has canceled their reservation, so they must leave as you will not be paid for the stay now and they are no longer considered guests. Try not to state why it was canceled if possible, just that it was. You can show them the cancellation notice. 

Ok, I will give that a whirl. Thank you!!