How to contact a superior airbnb employee for a repeating problem

Level 2
Athens, Greece

How to contact a superior airbnb employee for a repeating problem


I am having two problems and i have tried contacting airbnb for more than a month now and no one seems to be able to help me.

They each time say that they are on the case but nothing hapens and i am really frustrated as this problem has a serious effect on my booking enquiries (i ve had no enquiries in the mort high season for the first time in three years when i am usually fully booked!)

I need your help if anyone had a similar problem, how can i contact someone superior that could really and finally help me on this.

I will just expain my problem in case anyone had someting similar.

1. is wrong neighbourhood all of a sudden

2. my listing became instant book all of a sudden (i definitely didnt do it) and someone booked it immidieately. When i let him know that my place is not available, he cancelled the booking and then there was a big deal with him getting refund as i have strict cancellation policy. One day the issue was resolved (he got his full refund) but i got the penalty for cancelling which is something i never did. When i contact them they say they can see that and will resolve it as soon as possible but its been almost a month now and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. so i really need to speak with someone that can help me.

Did anyone had a similar case?

I appreciate any answer on this.

Many many thanks


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Try contacting them via Twitter.

Level 10
Delft, Netherlands


You can reach them via the Help link at bottom of this page.


Or via Facebook.


Or – if you have a Twitter account - try twitter@airbnbhelp. It’s said there’s a quick response.


Essential reading for hosts.

Contains a link with several international phone numbers (‘Contact AirBnB’).


Here’s the number for Canada and the US.

+1 (415) 800 5959 / +1 855 424 7262 (emergency toll-free number)


The UK number.

+44 203 318 1111


You'll find the number for Greece in the 'Contact AirBnB' link in the above URL.

Thank you all

the thing is that i have managed to speak with them several time the thing is that they dont resolve my issue although they say they will and its been a long time now...

that is why i want to speak with a manager, superior, someone who might do something more!

If anyone knows... or had similar frustrating experience...?

The only thing I can think of then, if no one can help you, is perhaps remove your listing, and then re-list it?

This would leave your listing with a clean slate - I'm guessing on this though. Perhaps ask an Airbnb employee if this would work BEFORE you try it though.


Good luck!

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