I am having two problems and i have tried contacting airbnb for more than a month now and no one seems to be able to help me.
They each time say that they are on the case but nothing hapens and i am really frustrated as this problem has a serious effect on my booking enquiries (i ve had no enquiries in the mort high season for the first time in three years when i am usually fully booked!)
I need your help if anyone had a similar problem, how can i contact someone superior that could really and finally help me on this.
I will just expain my problem in case anyone had someting similar.
1. is wrong neighbourhood all of a sudden
2. my listing became instant book all of a sudden (i definitely didnt do it) and someone booked it immidieately. When i let him know that my place is not available, he cancelled the booking and then there was a big deal with him getting refund as i have strict cancellation policy. One day the issue was resolved (he got his full refund) but i got the penalty for cancelling which is something i never did. When i contact them they say they can see that and will resolve it as soon as possible but its been almost a month now and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. so i really need to speak with someone that can help me.
Did anyone had a similar case?
I appreciate any answer on this.
Many many thanks