We are now starting our 5th year hosting, super hosts every quarter, 99% 5 star, lots of rave reviews and positive comments etc. This is a private room with attached bath, but it is in our house and we are always there. We just completed a massive remodeling project to create a new master suite with bathroom in our attic. We moved up there, and made a second listing for what used to be our bedroom and bathroom.
The problem is that it is not getting booked, because it has no reviews. We had one guest stay in it (she had initially booked the first room but opted to change to the new room to have more space.) So they stayed there but didn't actually make a reservation for it. Of course that guest is one of only 3 guests ever (out of well over 125 stays) to not leave a review. Go figure. Although they had nothing but extremely positive feedback and comments about the bed, the space, everything, they did not actually write a review.
So my question is, how do I get this new room/listing even looked at, let alone booked? It's the same price as the original room and I refuse to charge 50% less just to get a reservation. We tend to have higher prices than other homes in the area, and we attract a higher quality guest because of that. So I'm not going to compromise on price, at least not by a whole lot. I wish there was some way to "link" the 2 listings so potential guests could see how great the house is and would even look at the new listing. It's very frustrating to have put a lot of money and time and energy into the new room and no one is looking at it, let alone reserving it. Is there anything I can do? Thanks