How to get a refund for Airbnb costs

Level 1
Castelnuovo Berardenga, Italy

How to get a refund for Airbnb costs

Hello everybody!

I booked an apartment in Guadeloupe (French Antilles) that had the immediate booking option and availabity for the dates I wanted. The cancellation terms were flexible. I contacted the host at first and didn't get any replies so I asked him/her (they did non even introduce themselves) again to confirm they received my booking and they replied that the studio was already taken and I could not stay there although I had paid already.

Now, I know that I can cancel my booking for free but if I do I won't get back the costs that Airbnb chages you for the service. Is it possible to get a full refund, including the service cost, or will that money be lost? As I'm canceling because the host lied and not because I don't want to stay there anymore I think I should get everything back. I will attach a screenshot of the conversation I had with this person. It's in French but I hope someone will understand it anyway.undefinedundefinedundefined

Thanks for your kind replies.


5 Replies 5

@Elena269  Don't cancel,  Contact Airbnb Twitter or FB gets the quickest response.  You should get your fee back because the hosts says it's not available now even though you have booked and paid for it.


p.s. This is the  French CC you might get more responses there.

Level 1
Castelnuovo Berardenga, Italy

Thank you very much! I put a like on their facebook page but I can't find a way to send them a private message. Should I write my problem on their dashboard as a post?

Thanks for your kind help!


@Elena269   Sorry I have no idea re: FB I don't use it.  Yes, you could try writing on Airbnb FB dashboard and see where it gets you.  I know for Twitter you can write a message on their account in s "send message" area and they respond quite quickly.


Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

The host needs to cancel, but as it is not the best of hosts they will not want to as they have to pay a fine etc. You will most certainly get everything back, as long as you do not cancel or the host can say ''But they cancelled!''.

You can go to the cancellation page and when asked why you want to cancel, pick the choice that says 'my host wants to cancel.'  If your host accepts that, you will receive all your money back.  Under no circumstances cancel as yourself or Airbnb will keep their fees.


If the host does not accept the cancellation, therefor agreeing that they are the ones who want to cancel, then contact Airbnb directly.


A final option is to dispute the charge on your credit card.  Your bank will charge back to Airbnb and argue it out with them.  You should prevail since the host has declined to provide the services that you paid for.