How to handle bookings and requests to cancel during hurricane season?
We live in Sarasota, FL and go through hurricane season like the rest of the state. I am curious as to how people handle cancellations when there is a "potential" storm brewing? Or how about when someone booked way in advance, arrive and then a storm brews?
@Peter-and-Pearl0 if you must cancel because of storm you need to contact Airbnb and have them cancel for you penalty free. Of course the guests will be fully refunded. If the guests are already there and a storm hits isn't it better if they stay inside? Even if you cancel, where would they go in a middle of a storm?
Thank you and good to know. Yes of course if the guest is already here, we will make sure they are well taken care of and feel safe and sound. We live in an area where the currents keep most storms from a direct hit but have other issues. I was trying to see what others do. Thank you again.