I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I'm pretty new to hosting. I have guests currently, who are something like my 10th booking.
Previously, every guest I've had has been immaculately clean.
My current guests are a group of four 20-something guys. It's their first Airbnb experience and they haven't been any problem at all, though each morning when I get up, after they've gotten up and left, I end up cleaning up after them in the kitchen. They leave the coffee maker with coffee grounds and half-full carafe, and a cupboard in dissarray. Took me about ten or fifteen minutes to clean up and put everything back. Not a big deal.
In my house rules, I say nothing about cleaning up after oneself. I do say that the kitchen is available for use and feel free to use the coffee maker. So far, I've never had to say anything to anyone. Everyone up to this point has simply cleaned up after themselves.
I may be being petty, but after having such a string of perfectly clean guests, I'm a little surprised these guys leave even a little mess. Unfortunately with my work schedule, I'm unlikely to see these guests before they leave. I get home late after they're in bed, and wake up after they've left for the day.
I should note that I have not seen the two rooms they are renting, so I don't know if the rooms will be a mess after they leave. That said, I expect to clean the bedrooms after a guest leaves. I don't expect to be a daily housekeeper while I have guests.
So my question to more experiences hosts... should I note the untidy kitchen use in my future review, or should I not worry about such minor things like this?
I think we must all be real when we has a situation like this with messy guests. Remember that the guests have more advantages than us here so whenever they are not respecting our rules we must take actions without any pity. Some guests do not have pity when they are leaving comments so i think we all should be the same so that to know who really is a good guest.
Im very new to airbnb ...only 3 months and about 7 groups of guests. I put up a sign about the AC and turn of lights, becasue electricity is very expensive in my country. It has worked on everyone except the last guest left ac on, but I think she was just in a ruch leaving early, so I didn't mention it.
I would put a nice happy sigh with a pictrure of people hapily washing there dishes and that might keep spirit good and remind to do sertain tasks.
just do not rent to a group of 20 something guys..you are going to get a mess doing that.... or get a substantial cleaning deposit...
I have had some great guests that have included young males. The worst guests I had was a couple in their 40's who were both engineers.
Their profession means nothing but be ready to get a messy house if someone comes with children. I went throught such a situation this summer. Hope that will not happen again.
Not only is discrimation illegal and against the terms of Airbnb, but it's unethical and I wouldn't do it.
Further, I've had two or three other groups of young men, and they were all perfectly well behaved and self-sufficient. Something was just off with these guys.
As I've mentioned previously in this thread, there were issues from the start. Initially he booked two rooms, but the booking said one guest and one night. So I messaged him to ask him if that was correct. He responded that there were four people and they wanted three nights. I changed the booking and he accepted.
Then the day of their arrival, after I'd already sent all the necessary information, he sent me a message asking what the address was. And then again when he arrived at my house, messaged me to ask what the door code was. All this was information that I'd already given him, and nobody before them ever had trouble.
Meanwhile, he had parked the wrong way in front of my house, when I offer a space in my driveway for guests to park. I advised him to move his vehicle and even pointed out which side of the driveway. He moved his vehicle and parked directly in front of the no parking sign I have on the side which I use.
Really, I think these guys were either stoned the whole time (this is Colorado) or were just oblivious to the world around them.
I doubt he'll leave me a review. He didn't seem to get how Airbnb works at all, at one point telling me that I have such a nice place, I should put some photos of it in my listing.
The whole thing was a little bizarre. I'm just glad their gone and I learned a little bit.
I would say that if you do not want to have any restrictions on whom you rent to then a cleaning deposit is best. That may be problematic as AIR bnb does not supply that to you. Once they are booked and you have direct contact you could get a credit card number for a security deposit. Here on The Outer Banks all who rent cottages etc. do have to put up a security deposit. Many rentals rent only to family groups with no problems . This is important when you can not be on the premisis to supervise. They have to pay a deposit before checking in. 350-500 will keep gusts mindful of how they should behave.
I found myself in the same situation and came looking through these boards for answers! I've only hosted 6 guests so far and each has been very tidy. My 7th guests...well I had an "off" feeling about them from the moment they arrived. Pleasant enough, but they just seemed a bit odd. No big deal. They were quiet during their stay and seemed to respect the common areas.
They left this morning and when I went in the room the trashcan was overflowing with additional trash just lying beside it. There were bottlecaps and pieces of candy wrappers scattered across the floor. A couple of pillows were squished up on the floor between the bed and the chair. In addition, I found a pill on the floor. To me that's just disprespectful, I mean, come on! At least pick your trash up off the floor and they knew where the trashcan was in the kitchen to dispose of additional trash.
I'm torn on the review as they weren't HORRIBLE guests, they respected the rules and didn't damage anything, but I'd still want other hosts to know they might have a time cleaning up afterwards. This guest has 6 previous reviews (but only recommended by 5), and most were brief as in, "They were nice guests" so maybe that should have been a clue!
Or maybe I'm just taking throwing trash across my bedroom floor too personally. 🙂
I think a good test to start with when trying to craft a review is whether you would host them again. If yes, then you support them publicly and send a private message expressing your concern. Perhaps they could be educated.
If not, then you list the positives along with the negatives. Let the next host make an educated choice. Good luck!!
Hello Everyone.
In posting your List; be upfront before anyone Reserves with you.
My List I have what I have, what my List includes, and also what I expect from my guests
behaviors! That includes that every resident must clean up after themselves in all areas
of the Home. I also place scented 13 gallon trashbags on the inside of their closet door (hint, hint!)
I am their Hostess; not their Nursemaid Nanny! They are grownups!
It is met with good nature and respect for our Home rules and expectation....
I also before they arrive; place Ande's mint on their pillows and a nice personalized THANK YOU card for choosing our Family Home. And have an iced filled cold drink pitcher with a bright colored SOLO cup to drink.
That eases them into our Home rules cheerfully.....and never had to clean up their messes
after them not one time! And I have been a Hostess for over 3 years now without any Regrets.....
Good Host/Hostessing! 🙂
Here is my List to give you an idea how it works for me:
Good Host/Hostessing 😉