How to reach Dudhsagar falls from Goa, Madgao ?

Level 1
Calangute, India

How to reach Dudhsagar falls from Goa, Madgao ?

Is it possible to go there at morning from Madgaon and come back at evening, if so how can i make that, please suggest me, are there trains available from madgaon to dudhsagar and vice versa? i checked dudhsagar fall official website but its confusing. i am new please guide me with train timing. ? 


1 Reply 1
Level 10
СПБ, Russia

Sorry @Nadia184 you have seem to have taken the wrong track here.


This is just a public forum for airbnb hosts and guests chitchat.


Maybe you need to message your host directly, unless there is an Indian train boffin that reads the forum and can help.

Mind the gap.