How to review a "not so great"guest

Level 2
Chattanooga, TN

How to review a "not so great"guest

I'm a new host and seem to be having a streak of bad guests. I need to write a review for my last guest, yet I'm not sure how to address the issues. Some might just be my problem or misconceptions. Warning this is a long read. But hang in there.

I do not instant book so the guest and I had contact several times before she and her group arrived.  She never mentioned that she would have four bikes with her and would have so many extra guest arriving. Bringing bikes was not the issue. What bothered me is that without asking she put them in my livingroom. When I noticed their absense from the cars and ask about them she flipantly stated they were inside. I politely offered to store them in the garage or they could be placed on the covered back porch. She basically closed the door in my face. Since I had not thought to have " don't put bikes in the livingroom with my antiques and family heirlooms" in house rules, I wasn't sure what to do. After a couple days I saw her again and once more ask and explianed why, and got brushed off. The next problem was that although I had ask her if she or her guest needed anything special before, and during her stay, she went through my closets,and storage to get the queen air mattress and set it up . It now has a leak covered by a big red X of duct tape. I did try to claim damages for it but she has refussed and said it had hole in it already. I know this is not correct because I set it up and put it up for the last guest that needed it. It was still inflated two days after guest left. Not sure how to address this with Airbnb. She also had one unpaid guest stay the last night. I was working outside when all the guest were leaving. Needles to say they left with or broke coffee cups , glasses, new storage containers still in case, left water marks on wood furniture ( I have coasters everywhere) spilled coffee or tea on the bedding and carpet and must have fried everything because it took me 4.5 hours to clean my kitchen of the grease film, re-wash dishes, coffee maker, pots , pans, windows???? ....well everything. To top it off now she is wanting two days money back because she says I broke Airbnb policy when I entered the house with an electrian to check why some of the outlets/recpticals were causing the breaker to be extremly hot.  I had notified her through the Airbnb site early in the morning that he was to come that afternoon. She did not respond. Since I was worried about electical fire I did let him in and was with him. He went into the office/den and checked outlets on connecting wall in livingroom. That's when the air mattress and private closet situation was seen. I really need insite on how to handle my current issue and prevent any like from occurring in the furture. Thank you

1 Best Answer
Level 4
New York, NY

Next time, when you get guests like that at your door, either don't let them in, and call Airbnb up to report the situation, or throw the guests out after one night.  They are the ones who broke Airbnb policy, not you. They  brought unauthorized guests into your home.

Report them to Airbnb now, and ask Airbnb to intervene to get the guests to pay you for your damaged property. The guests are not entitled to a refund at all.  Also, write about all the damage that they did to your home in your review of them, and that will prevent them from getting into another good Airbnb home.  Deborah

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19 Replies 19
Level 4
New York, NY

Next time, when you get guests like that at your door, either don't let them in, and call Airbnb up to report the situation, or throw the guests out after one night.  They are the ones who broke Airbnb policy, not you. They  brought unauthorized guests into your home.

Report them to Airbnb now, and ask Airbnb to intervene to get the guests to pay you for your damaged property. The guests are not entitled to a refund at all.  Also, write about all the damage that they did to your home in your review of them, and that will prevent them from getting into another good Airbnb home.  Deborah

So sorry you had such an awful experience. Next time contact Airbnb immediately and have the company throw them out. It is your responsibility to tell it like it is, share your experience as it was with other potential hosts. In my over 250 guest experiences this last year, I have only had one super bad one and one semi bad experience. Filthy people that you do not want to have come back. Ask Airbnb to honor the damages with the insurance but it must be within the first 48 hrs.

Dorothee you are correct. Filthy guest need to be reviewed. I am grateful for your comments. I didn't know Airbnb would throw them out. Good to know. Theresa

Deborah, You're right I should have ask her to leave the first day. I did contact Airbnb after seeing the red X and state of the room. Sent request through resolution center for Air mattress. Waiting to be contacted. Plan to review her this evening.Theresa

Level 3
Denver, CO

I'd leave a very honest review about your experience with the guest and her attitude about your reasonable requests. Also, if there were broken, missing, or otherwise damaged items I'd pursue that through the resolution center. Always document everything with pictures (I learned this the hard way also). If you don't have proof, it can be challanging to recoup your losses, because it's your word against hers.I always try to leave an honest unbiased (but professionally worded) review because I don't want a problem guest down the road because someone else was trying to be nice in their review. 

Terra I did take pictures of the air mattress while the electrician was working. Hopefully they will help. The small broken/missing items I had no idea I could claim. I will do my best to write a honest, unbiased ( hopefully professional ) review. Leaving a nice review never crossed my mind. Thanks for the feed back. Theresa

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

Keep the review short like brought unapproved guests, took bikes into the living room, caused damages.  And then a thumbs down.

Marit Anne thats sound advice. Short and to the point. Thanks Theresa

Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Theresa21 What a nightmare guest! I am so sorry this has happened to you. I know what you mean about wondering if you have grounds for complaint when the offending behaviour isn't mentioned in the House Rules - but who would think they'd have to put "don't bring bikes into the house" as a House Rule?! Why would she think was an acceptable thing to do is beyond me. This guest sounds like one that none of us would want to host, so please do write an accurate review of her as a public service to your fellow hosts.


Stick to your guns, do not refund, and go after this guest for the damage caused - ask for an amount which will cover your replacement costs for all the damaged and broken items that you can document. I hope you took photos, be sure to include them with your message in the Resolution Centre. Get receipts for the replacement items, then scan & send them in too. Even if she refuses to pay, don't back down, Airbnb might side with you & compensate you anyway. This happened to me - the guest refused, but Airbnb paid for the stolen item. I know it didn't come from the guest, as rather than being noted as a "Resolution payout", it was called a "Misc Credit".


She has no grounds for complaint about you entering with the electrician - you did notify her. As a prudent host, you were conducting vital maintenance - what if there had been an electrical fire? This is your right & responsibility as a host - sounds to me like the guest was upset because you saw the state of things while she was still there rather than getting the shock after she had checked out & was long gone. 


For your review, give her a thumbs down and then give a concise, non-emotional account of your experience. Someone had posted this here as an example & I saved it because it was so perfectly stated:


"while I was honored that guest x chose my house for his stay, it seems home stays may not be the best option for guest x while traveling. I was disappointed [[that she stored 4 bikes in my living room]] [[brought extra guests]] etc etc. I wish them well and hope they are able to find accommodations that are better suited to their unique traveling style going forward.”


Saying "better suited to a hotel" is also a good head's up for other hosts, but even a hotel might not allow this guest to keep her bikes in the room!


How to prevent a reoccurance - were there any red flags in your communication with this guest? It's hard to screen ahead of time when it comes to weeding out someone who stores bikes in your living room - not a question many of us would think to ask. If there's anything that gives you an uncomfortable feeling about a guest beforehand, go with your gut & decline. Best of luck with this, I hope that helps! - Karen

Karen that was a sweet, but telling , review you sent as suggestion. Thank you. I really couldn't tell much about respect and values during our conversations through Airbnb. As soon as she arrived, was rude and abrupt my gut said "oh no". Yet, I feel helpless because wasn't aware Airbnb would be so helpful unless she broke House Rules. I will stick to my guns. You've been very helpful. Theresa

Level 3
San Diego, CA

I second what Karen said.
And legally if there is any concern regarding potential fire, flooding of a rental are allowed to enter the residence asap! For regular repairs, a 24 hr notice is necessary before entering.

Karin thank you for clearing up if my enrty was legally accurate. Theresa

Level 10
Windermere, United Kingdom

The answer has to be honestly as anyhtign else is not valid.


Simply stating the facts as per your first posting will inform all potential hosts. So statements such as kept bicycles in living room and left the place dirter than other guests should be ok

Thanks for your response.Too bad there were no reviews on this guest for me to view. I agree that reviews should be honest. I have had two guest that the reviews had to have been " sweetened up", when facts would have prevented me from hosting them.