
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 6
Honolulu, HI


Here is a value;.

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

What about calling Airbnb yourself ?


Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]

Did  it ever occur to you that when you are hacked, the hackers also prevent you from calling people and from receiving codes?  Yep, Why don't you just wait, it is coming and btw...It wasn't my computer the site is hacked, and they tried to take my money out of my account.  Apparently, the "special division" working on my case has completely vanished from the globe with everything about me including bank info, SSN, photos, address, Wi-Fi password,,...I can't get not a single person to respond and its been about 24 hours now....They were Russian hackers workig for Airbnb.  Airbnb support told me last night they had found my case and that the people working on my case would call me ASAP.  Well, 24 hours and I can't get support or a single person that was a hacker the entire time.  I  tried to warn everyone, but no it was my computer...OH no it wasn't b/c as soon as I messaged them after they attempted to take my money and I stopped them, suddenly the site looks normal again.  They are gone...completely vanished with all of my bout you call them?  It makes a fun week of back and forth on an infinite loop to nowhere. 

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@John28  I read your post on another thread. I am pretty sure your computer was compromised. You need to change all your passwords and run a virus/malware program on your computer. 

Thannks for all of the advise and I spent a good five hours trying to communicate with airbnb and yes I did call them, and this all stems from the girl who knew exactly when I was changing my gmail (username Airbnb), and then I went to change my airbnb password.  I have changed my passwords almost daily, I have set up two factor authorization only to be locked out of my account, and the very patient Tahmina , and very helpful finally I believe grasped the gravity of the situation I was in, it was not just about simply changing passwords and having internet security set up because I do.  If you knew all the details, you would realize it has nothing to do with my devices, seeing as though I basically had MAJOR issues when I tried to change my password because the guests has some sort of scam where she creates an account in your name, therefore you eventually have two, which I have had, but the second one is somehow unnoticeable.  They were specifically targeting the airbnb website, and have create an exact replica of the website, where you are put in an infinitie loop, emails were being changed between me an Airbnb, and it ended with me being completely locked out of my account, and this person had access to all of my personal information,, and honestly  i don't know what they did after we got cut off and the emails were not making any sense.  I realized that what I was seeing was not what she was seeing.  Trust me, it is a very sophisticated hacking attack carried out by someone who has access to futuristic tools that we have not yet seen.  I beleive the only thing that saved me was that I had my recovery email address listed and she didn't know the secret questionsl.  I don't  have any problems anywhere else except on "Airbnb, and it wasn't something that you automatically notice.  It really looks like the real website, it even says it is the secure airbnb website, they methodically get small bits of information until they have every bit ofpersonal data on you, and whatever Airbnb did after our phone call was dropped worked because I eventually was able to login into my account, but I guarantee you irf you ask airbnb they will telll you its not because I didn't have a strong password or had clicked on a suspicious tool, like I told them there is no reason for this attack to only be happening to me since they aren't going to gain much if they get a hold of my bank account information.  They had indeed gone in and changed the prices, and small things just to basically see if you are paying attention.  Luckily for now, I was able to get back into my account thanks to the long hard work put in by the Airbnb team.  It is quite scary, when you go to login with a pssword and you are brought back to the same place over and over again,  they gain access to your account somehow, nobody knows how as far as I know, but it is a very sophisticated cyber attack. You know how Russia took over and shut down the country of Crimea?  Well, they are beginning here.

@John28  thanks for letting us know

Level 10
Kraków, Poland



They might have placed a keylogger on your computer, so every time you change your password they know exactly what it is. Change your Airbnb password on another computer and do not use your old one until its been check by an I.T. professional, not one of those Indian scammers I may add!

Yes, yes that is the best explanation there is! I am returning the computer, or in the process of returning it right now. I had bought the computer on eBay, and it was not what I ordered! It seemed to be working fine, but it is definitely not the computer advertised.  However,  I’m not sure what else has been compromised because I basically use google for everything and google at one point before this thought there were two of me, and I would get two emails in my gmail account. That’s why last night when I was contacting Airbnb I was using Microsoft’s Edge and the emails, phone calls etc were all being blocked. I thought I had lost everything then my guests got home and he helped me gain access to my account, but we were not using the laptop’ So, that explains everything! 

Although, something is still very off. I was going through my photos which also include my screenshots,  and I have screenshots of the two different emails that both say they are from Airbnb, one is red with their symbol and one is purple with an R, and when I took the photos the point wasn’t to show the different colors, but rather they were saying the same thing, but wording was different, now they say the same thing. I remember my guests and I were even discussing how funny it was how this one says a certain thing and this one says it in a very awkward way. The screenshot section or anywhere for that matter will appear as if there is a duplicate site running in the background because I am able to move the photo and return to where the photo was taken, in this case gmail, and there will be at least two to four of the same picture. I have apparently received an email from Airbnb saying no unauthorized use of my account was made, but when I click on “my activity it says I did everything four times at least!  It’s all very strange, but I just want to be left alone! Unless, now this I phone is now infected?  However, Airbnb reassured me that the purple R was indeed Airbnb, and they have issued me a payment. So, now I’m beginning to wonder if I was even speaking to Airbnb last night or not. At any rate, I wanted my account to be frozen, which apparently they were unable to receive that email. 

I also did not say “here is a value “ which is what I am seeing on my screen! I just have to get off the internet in general! 

I am trying to post a photo of what I am seeing, and it will not allow me! 

Now, I go to respond to the email with the purple R for response, and try to view ticket, it was about to link to the secure Airbnb site but suddenly it was  insecure, so who knows anymore! 

Well, for those of you who can see this cause Airbnb of couse doesn't want anyone to know. Although, I findi it critically information.  I was right from the beginning the site was hacked, and you aske me how do I know this?  Well, sweird emails kept coming and by weird, I would think they were spam, but then I would get a reply back that made acutal sense and she issued me a fifty dollar refund for stolen items and a key.  Now, here is where someone else my can help figure out what the scam they are trying to pull of is.  Well, my payout was to my savings account always has been, the fifty dollars was sent to my checking account.  I tried to get an answer as to why she did this, but alas no answer at all.  So, I see the payment processsing last night, then I guess around eleven or so, they apparently knew when it was going to cross over to processed (maybe there is a glitch if you catch it at the exact same time?).  Anyway, I'm sitting on the sofa and my two iphones  go off saying a short message from airbnb about your payout method had been changed....Now I didn't do it, but it was still going to my account so I wasn't gonna complain, but then I tried to find the email on both devices and my laptop and its not there. So, I immediately call the bank b/c I know something is up.  I sat on the phone with  the bak for a long time, but I had messageed Airbnb about the same thing and they had no response, and then thye closed the request? whatever. So, then I start getting text messages to login into my bank acccoun,  Th3  problem is I had not requested them, so there is obviously some sort of scam where they can transfer you money to a  debit card somewhere,  Now, here is how I know it was hacking, so I go to my i phone to login and see what it has to say, and it suddenly looks more official and runs so much better, but then I got on the other littel ipone SE and weird things are happening like there is a screenshot, I showed to the banker, since I sat up there all day.  It was a picture of all the open topics in the discussion arean and they wer all the  same "Airbnb has been Hacke!!!! 0fverr qne ofver qgqin, no2 I 2OULE HQF3 43M3MG34E 5HQ5 IR I5 HQPP3NE LQW5 NITH5 But, the starngest thing was that suddenly all of my devices were working propersly and no more wierd stuff, I ccan't say that any longer.