I did not approve a reservation and it was reserved on its own

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

I did not approve a reservation and it was reserved on its own

I am not sure what happened however there was a reservation that was approved for my home and I did not do it 2 times, I am sure you cannot do this on a pocket dial?  I have been trying to contact Air BNB so I dont get bad reviews on cancelation but I did not allow booking my place, what do I do, it seems so strange that would happen

1 Reply 1
Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

Hi Peggy. 


I would recommend reaching out to Airbnb to get your cancellations issue solved. Upon automatic reservation approvals, you probably have Instant Book settings on. You could check by clicking Your Listing < under the specific listing, select Calendar and more < Check under  Booking on the left side. Make sure under "Who could book instantly," you have "No one. Guests who meet Airbnb’s requirements must wait for your response" is selected. Hopefully that is helpful. 

Helena V.